How do I get free public domain titles from Google Books?
Free titles are indicated by a "Get Free" button in place of the "Buy Now" button. Barnes & has partnered with Google Books to bring you half a million public domain titles for free. Look for these titles throughout the website, as indicated by the icon shown below.
Frequently unanswered questions:
What quality are these books? How are Google verifying the results of OCR'ing old books? Why don't Barnes and Noble make it easy to find and download the thousands of ebooks which _have_ been carefully checked over years by volunteers from Project Gutenberg?
Sounds like a deliberate decision to associate free ebooks with low quality (and an overwhelmingly high quantity of it).
What quality are these books? How are Google verifying the results of OCR'ing old books? Why don't Barnes and Noble make it easy to find and download the thousands of ebooks which _have_ been carefully checked over years by volunteers from Project Gutenberg?
Sounds like a deliberate decision to associate free ebooks with low quality (and an overwhelmingly high quantity of it).